Saturday, December 26, 2009

I wanna get rid of acne scars on my face. Without using products and surgury.?

I'm sorry. But if you have serious acne scars the only way to remove them is through derm-abrasion therapy from a dematologist.I wanna get rid of acne scars on my face. Without using products and surgury.?
Without products or surgery? All you have left is a chance for a miracle. Although I believe in miracles , most likely it won't happen to you. See a dermatologist.I wanna get rid of acne scars on my face. Without using products and surgury.?
There is no way to remove scars without any artificial intervention. There's a natural healing process but all that will happen to your scars is lighten or fade a little as time passes.
THATS a tuff one. I dont know any product on the market that will do that.

I would advice you to try some home based remedies for skin ,hair and weight problems, this link has some good information it sure did help me so here goes,

See a dermitologist.
Some acne scars can be very deep. Time will fade them but if they're bad try dermabrasion but choose a reputable salon. This will take the top layer of skin away. You'll be red faced for a day or so but it should be much improved.
wash your face really well w/ soap and cold water. it helps me. Hope it does the same w/ u!!!
No products or surgery? so then what you're really saying is I want to get rid of acne scars on my face, but I'm not actually going to do anything in order to get rid of the scars, Im really just hoping they will go away on their own.
We have a remedy for acne scars in our place.

';Papaya'; whitening soap. I've tried it and it works for me.

(No joke) But you have to give it ample time.

you should try Proactive
There is no way that I know of. Acne scars are pretty hard to get rid of (they are called scars for a reason!) A dermetologist would be able to help you and give you recommendations. There is a great article on the kind of treatments a dermetologist can preform here:
  • sebum
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