Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Treatment of RAISED acne scars and left over red marks??

I had awful nodular acne for a while a little less than a year ago. The worse part was right along my jaw line, where you couldnt even notice a single pimple, it was just one on top of the other that never went away. I honestly never wanted to leave the house.

I finally had to take accutane and my acne is gone, but now of course i have scars. I dont really have pock mark scars, but redness and raised scars. I know that scars fade over time but I have these raised scars along my jaw line that i dont see ever completely fading away! Theyre definately obvious and i cant just hide them with makeup because even though their the same color as my skin, there raised up a lot.

I am unbeleivably grateful that my acne is gone, but I want to help get rid of these raised scars. Ive tried microderm and peels, doesnt really do anything. Im not looking for an immediate fix, but something that will at least speed the process along a little? And i dont want to go as far as laser treatment.Treatment of RAISED acne scars and left over red marks??
Apply Contractubex. Its an ointment for scars. It usually is prescibed for hypertrophic and keloidal scars but it would also work for small scars. I used it for my chikenpox marks coz i had it when i was 21. The marks went away. its really good.Treatment of RAISED acne scars and left over red marks??
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems.

More remedies at
Acne scar treatment
read tips on reducing the appearance of scars and skincare on this site

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