Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I have alot of acne scars and.....?

i was wondering if there is anything at all, that makes them fade at least a little bit. My scars are very embarrassing, i get self-consious sometimes. Is there anything you have tried and worked?

Thanks alot!I have alot of acne scars and.....?
Actually the best thing you can do if your problem is serious is to see your doctor, or skin specialist.. a dermatologist ..there is laser resurfacing and dermabrasion that will take off all those scars but it takes like 10 days to heal .. afterwards your skin and you will look and feel much better ,, you can always call d ask questions about the fees %26amp;the applications , also if it is covered under insurance etc Good luckI have alot of acne scars and.....?
try buying an expensive moisturizer, dont scratch ur acne because that can cause scars, i would reccomend foundation but using that only causes more spots, if you have some scars u are really self-consious about, use a concealer, not excessively but just to hide some deep scars. acne is only natural, especially if ur parents suffer from it, thats where u get it from, blame them! :) and just to let u know, if u visit a doctor, they do usually provide u with acne cream or general antibiotics to prevent more acne
oh this stuff, my friend got called acutine ( i dont know how to spell it thats just how it sounds) his whole face was just scars and now its like... perfect. its a pill. he got it from his dermentoloigist i think

if u cant buy it, you could wear foundation makeup
They should fade a little bit over time. Other than that I don't think there's anything you can do to make them better unless you want to cover them with some makeup.
try using an Acne Complex Kit you can find them in Sephora. They work really well! FACT: 90% success rate!!!
laser treatments.
See your doctor ! honestly you can't go wrong. and your parents arent gonna say no to seeing your doctor about it, so just ask ! i did and im so glad : )

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