Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bad acne/acne scars. 10 points/ PLEASE help!?

i am absolutely sick and tired of my bad acne!

i have it horrible on my forehead, and all around my mouth!!!

what should i use for the acne, and what should i use to completely get rid of the ance scars?!

10 points thank you so much,Bad acne/acne scars. 10 points/ PLEASE help!?
For your acne what you can do is try home remedies they're great.

One of my favorite remedies is the baking soda mask.

Just has 2 ingredients: baking soda and water.

2 tbsp baking soda and enough water to turn into a paste. Apply a thin layer all over face. leave on for about 20 min.

*remember, a thin layer or it will burn like crazy* do this about 3 times a week for your acne.

heres another thing you can do

Treat your scars with tomato: Tomato is rich in vitamin A, making it effective in stopping the overproduction of sebum that causes acne and acne scars. Tomato also has antioxidant properties that rejuvenate damaged skin. Slice up a tomato every day and place it

over your face to quickly reduce your scars.

Or just pure vitamin A will do the trick. Hope I helped. :)Bad acne/acne scars. 10 points/ PLEASE help!?
Throughout my ninth and tenth grade years, I had fairly bad acne. I found that Differen Gel works incredibly well (Ha ha ha, that rhymes). Follow directions and combined its use with Neutrogena’s “acne prone face wash” for the shower. If the doctor will prescribe you it, take Doxycycline (it’s a mild surface based bactria deterrent, comes in a pill form). Rotate you pillow sheet every night and try not to touch your face. Good Luck.
Go to a dermatologist. It's going to be more expensive but if it's that bad no over the counter stuff is going to magically fix it. There are so many medicines your derm. can per scribe that will fix it and prevent scaring.
Check this Site for useful information about very known and popular program that can help you to cure your acne naturally, fast and safely
Mix nutmeg powder with a little unboiled milk and apply on acne and wash after an hour this remedy when done once or twice a week will not leave any acne marks on the skin . Check out for more useful info.
Visit a dermatologist for the acne scars,

And buy strong acne soap to wash your face with. Neutrogena or ProActiv are two really good examples.
proactive my cousins used it and it work and i have acne too and it is bugging me

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