Friday, January 8, 2010

Acne scars after acne break out's?

Ey I have acne scars all over my face and my chest i had acne since i was 14 am now 18 and i has left acne scars all over my face and body and brown spots too will this ever heal seriously it's really bad.Acne scars after acne break out's?
Scar tissue is the skin's natural reaction to physical trauma, like a cut or an abrasion. It's no different when we're dealing with acne scars. The tissues created are called keloids, and some people are more susceptible to production of these tough, sinewy tissues. So, it's important to keep this in mind when you review the acne scars treatments we cover in this article, because some of these treatments can actually make your skin look worse.

Home Remedies for Removing Acne Scars and Marks:

The unwanted marks and spots left by acne or pimples have now become such a common phenomena. There are many ways to get rid of these ugly spots and marks. But people who do not afford and who do not like to have any surgical treatment look for ways that do not have any side effects. While treating acne can be expensive, depending on the method you choose, acne scar treatments can be even more expensive and occasionally even discomforting or painful.

Natural home remedies are one of the many ways to get rid of the marks left by acne. Kitchen items are the cheapest and effective ingredients used to remove acne scars and marks.

Acne Scar Remedy 1: Lemons

Lemon juice is very effective in lightening the dark spots caused by acne or pimples. First, cleanse the scar with water. Dab one teaspoon of lemon juice into a cotton ball and smooth it over the acne marks. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse. Use caution with lemon juice because it can make your skin photosensitive. So be certain to use a sunscreen on any area you treat with lemon juice prior to going out into the sun.

Acne Scar Remedy 2: Soda

Baking soda is a very good exfoliant. It gently exfoliates your skin and leaves it smooth and silky. A version of Baking soda is used in the microdermabrasion treatment. Therefore you can also give yourself a homemade microdermabrasion treatment by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with the two teaspoons of filtered water. Then gently rub the mixture on your acne scar for sixty seconds then rinse it off.

Acne Scar Remedy 3: Olives

After exfoliating your skin with baking soda, massage a pea-sized amount of olive oil onto your face. Acne scaring can cause the skin to lose its elasticity and suppleness. The moisturizing nutrients in the olive oil will penetrate the skin to deeply moisturize the skin and soften the skin鈥檚 texture.

Your More Complex Options for Acne Scar Removal:

Before we suggest any particular method, we should say that preventing severe acne should be your first step. Wash with very mild soaps, especially antibacterial formulas, twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. Avoid oils, fatty foods, and fabric softeners as often as possible. And last, but not least, avoid the temptation to squeeze and pop zits. There are methods for popping pimples, but you should, for the most part, avoid doing this because of the risk of infection, which is what causes acne scars in the first place.

Laser resurfacing is one of the most effective ways to get rid of acne scars. This procedure is usually performed on people who have severe acne scarring, and is usually done by dermatologist. Basically, the doctor performing the laser resurfacing numbs the area with local anesthetics and then uses a laser to remove the top layer of skin. The heat also toughens the layer of skin below, leaving a smooth, scar-free surface. It usually takes 1-2 weeks for the acne scars to heal properly using this method.

Dermabrasion is medical procedure used to get rid of acne scars in much the same way that laser resurfacing does. Dermabrasion is different, however, from laser resurfacing because the dermatologist uses a metal brush or diamond surfaced spinning blade to scrape away the top layer of skin, removing acne scars along with the skin. Healing times for acne scars are a bit longer when dermabrasion is used鈥攗sually 2-3 weeks, depending on how much skin was removed.

Chemical peels are a more mild approach to getting rid of acne scars. Essentially, a chemical peel is a lot like an exfoliating scrub that you use at home, only the chemicals involved are a little more sophisticated and a little harsher. When they are applied to the skin, more layers of the acne scarred skin are removed than your average over-the-counter exfoliating scrub. This procedure is quite quick, and is often performed in the dermatologist鈥檚 office, and although irritation may persist for a day or so, healing times are much quicker than other methods.

Microdermabrasion is a lot like a normal dermabrasion, but less skin is removed at a time. This is an acne scar treatment that generally takes several weeks to perform. In any instance where dermabrasion and microdermabrasion are performed, the only areas that are treated are those areas where acne scars are most prevalent. Microdermabrasion is nice because like a chemical peel, it can be done quite quickly in your physician鈥檚 office, and it heals quickly as well.Acne scars after acne break out's?
I've had severe acne myself, try looking for more information on any acne website, like this one for example:

You'll find some great info there, hope you can get rid of them quickly.

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